65.6% Homeownership
In the St. Louis Metro Area the homeownership rate is 65.6%. For people of color the rate is 43.7%. We work to change that.
97% Risk Reduction
Homeowners that take advantage of non-profit homebuyer education programs may reduce the chance of foreclosure by 97 % (Tennessee Valley Housing Authority).
7 HUD-certified Housing Agencies
Agencies in the St. Louis Metro region work with individuals and families to help prepare them for homeownership and may provide down-payment assistance to help with closing costs.
What is Homeownership Month ?
During the month of June St. Louis Regional Financial Empowerment Coalition partners provide FREE classes and events to help put you on the path to homeownership. Topics include preparing for homeownership, saving for a down payment, building your credit, working with real estate agents, home inspections and appraisals, qualifying for a loan, the mortgage process, working with nonprofit HUD certified housing counselors, down payment assistance programs and more. Please visit our calendar for free homebuyer education classes offered during Homeownership Month and throughout the year.

You can also find more information about homeownership on our resources webpages, including trusted websites and local nonprofit service providers that can help you obtain your dream of homeownership.
All classes and events are Free but may require registration. Please check the calendar links.
Homeownership Month is organized by the St. Louis Regional Financial Empowerment Coalition in collaboration with generous support from our sponsors.