Get Involved

There are many ways to become involved with the Coalition.


Become a Coalition Partner

Work With us

Our partners come from many sectors of the community including nonprofit, corporate, public, faith-based and other community organizations.

There are several ways to partner with us:

  • Host an event or teach a class
  • Volunteer on an event planning committee (i.e. Money Smart Month)
  • Post your free financial education event on our website calendar (for partners only)
  • Become a donor at one of the sponsorship levels (i.e. Financial Prosperity, Financial Freedom)
Become a Partner

Become a Coalition Volunteer

Share Your Time & Expertise

Volunteers help the coalition by teaching classes during our community outreach campaigns like Money Smart Month, Credit Awareness Month and Homeownership Month.

Do you have experience with personal finance education?

Do you have specialized knowledge and skills in the area of credit education, debt management, financial planning, insurance, youth financial education, taxes or estate planning?

Contact the Coalition at


Become a Sponsor

Help Fund the Coalition

Sponsorships are available at levels ranging  from $2,500 to $25,000 for financial institutions.

Credit Unions and Nonprofits can become sponsors at the $500 level. Nonprofit organizations may also qualify as in-kind donors.

Contact our Finance and Fundraising Chair to learn more about how to become a sponsor by emailing

Learn About Mini-Grants

Small grants are available to nonprofits, community organizations and faith-based groups to off-set the cost of providing financial education programs.